Flor de Santiago, or Jacobean Lily¹, is the name commonly given to one of the most beautiful and most symbolic flowers of the plant Kingdom. Its botanical surname, Formosissima as it has come down to us, means “pleasant to behold” (as the illustrious Swedish botanist, Carl von Linné, put it in 1753). Flor de Santiago is an exotic flower, which blossoms on its own, with unspeakable majesty and beauty. But Flor de Santiago is, above all, “an element of symbolic communication”, bright red in colour and quite singular in shape – like a cross. The original name, Atzcalxóchitl in Nahuatl, is the first symbolic reference pertaining to this flower, which originates in Mexico, and which was always prominent in the great ceremonies of Mesoamerica, such as Cerro de la Estrella. It could also be found in many Royal Botanical Gardens, such as Montezuma II’s. The Flower came to Spain towards the end of the XVI century, enveloped in “a wooden arch”, as part…+Info